John's work had one of their summer parties a few weekends ago. We all went and had a blast. Last year Dominic didn't want anything to do with the pool or thre trampoline. This year was a whole other story. He loved both and even though he was absolutely exhausted when we left only a half an hour before his bedtime (we got there around 2 and he goes to bed at 8) he still cried and wanted to play longer.
Here he is with one of the other children trying to figure out what this trampoline thing is...

Ohhhh! I'm supposed to jump! I can do that!

Dominic was in need for a visit to the nearby slide and swingset.

Then a break to go swimming, Dommie and Daddy really enjoyed the cool water.

Then back to the tranpoline, by this time Dommie had it all figured out and was ready to start the acrobatics.

The expression and the shirt say it all.

Jumping on the trampoline with Daddy.

All in all I would say it was a pretty great day. We have lots of other new pictures to post up soon. Hopefully some of them will show up tomorrow. Stay tuned, same Berman time, same Berman channel.
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