Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Our Visit to GrandMary and George in Louisville

Dommie was so cute the entire time, he really hammed it up. He smiled, talked, and even learned both of their names. We went to a place called Hometown Buffett for lunch and it was very yummy. Dom even showed off his healthy eating and chose veggies over a piece of cake. Afterward we went back to the house and talked for a while. We all had a really good time and hope to head that way again soon. Dommie was even asking for GrandMary and George this morning on the way to daycare.

Here are the highlights. You can see all of the pictures here.
Dommie watching Daddy and George at the computer. Dommie smiling at GrandMary
Of course there are some pictures of Dommie with the plants.
More plants
Dommie, Mommie, and GrandMary
Dommie and George
George, John, GrandMary, and Dommie

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Dommie's new favorite activity is fingerpainting. We brought the paints out the other day and since then he's asked again and again to paint. Heather even called me today to let me know he's asking to paint and find out where she should set it up.

Here are some pictures from the other day. I'll try to get some pictures of his final pieces to post soon as well.

Grabbing just a little bit of paint for his masterpiece

Mixing it all together

Time to switch to the next painting and maybe have a bit for snack too.

What? you mean I wasn't supposed to eat it?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Dommie Used his New POTTY!!!!

We bought Dommie the Winnie the Pooh 3-in-1 Flushing Potty on Friday. He loves to push the flushing button. It doesn't really flush but it says something like, "You Did It!" and then makes a flushing sound. We didn't really get a chance to have him try it because the next morning we headed to Louisville, where we had a great lunch with Grandmary and George (pictures to come soon). Then we headed to Lexington where we had a blast with Tiff, Jeremy, Colson, and Karissa. Dommie had his first slumber party type thing with Karissa and Colson and they had sooooooo much fun. I couldn't believe how well they all got along.

Anyways, when we got home tonight Dommie announced he had to "poo-poo" we asked if he wanted to use the potty and brought it out. After we helped him pull his diaper down he sat down and proceeded to poop on the POTTY! I'm sure we still have quite the journey of potty training to go but we're off to a great start!!!!

We were so excited. Of course immediately after he tried to touch it and John whisked him off to get wipe and wash his hands. I went to help and then realized the cats were a little too interested in what was in the potty so I cleaned that up instead. We are sooooooooooo proud of our little boy.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Plants, Plants, and more Plants

Dommie's love for plants is not diminishing in the slightest. He now has three plants that are specifically his in the house. He has a "money tree", a "cane tree", and a "blushing leaf" cactus. We have never had so many plants when you add his to our other two. When he gets up in the morning the first thing he wants is his plants and when he leaves the house or goes to bed he HAS to say "buh-bye" to his plants. When we pick him up at daycare he is almost always outside and playing with the flower garden. He's very gentle with the plants and cries if he accidentally pulls off a leaf or flower. It's amazing to see. I definitely prefer Dominic to have a plant obsession than one with a cartoon character or something similar.

Enough babbling though, here are the latest pictures of a typical morning in the Berman house!

Carrying his plant to the couch for a snuggle.

Snuggling with his plant

Putting his plant in his room next to his other plant to talk to them both at the same time.

Carrying his plant around everywhere he goes.
I think it's all too cute, at night he talks to his plants and sometimes we hear him singing to them. It is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I hope you're enjoying these pictures. I may have a plant video to post tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the day we go to visit GrandMary and George.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The ISOC Summer Party! Swimming, Jumping, and More!

John's work had one of their summer parties a few weekends ago. We all went and had a blast. Last year Dominic didn't want anything to do with the pool or thre trampoline. This year was a whole other story. He loved both and even though he was absolutely exhausted when we left only a half an hour before his bedtime (we got there around 2 and he goes to bed at 8) he still cried and wanted to play longer.

Here he is with one of the other children trying to figure out what this trampoline thing is...
Ohhhh! I'm supposed to jump! I can do that!
Dominic was in need for a visit to the nearby slide and swingset. Then a break to go swimming, Dommie and Daddy really enjoyed the cool water.

Then back to the tranpoline, by this time Dommie had it all figured out and was ready to start the acrobatics.
The expression and the shirt say it all.
Jumping on the trampoline with Daddy.

All in all I would say it was a pretty great day. We have lots of other new pictures to post up soon. Hopefully some of them will show up tomorrow. Stay tuned, same Berman time, same Berman channel.