Friday, May 11, 2007

8 Days and Counting!

That's right folks, we are only 8 days away from Dominic's Birthday and birthday party!

It is so hard to believe that our little baby is turning 2 in just a few short days. The plans for his party are moving right along and it is all finishing touches now. We aren't sure how many people to expect, but here is the current RSVP count:

Terry, Nancy, Julia and Laura
Rob Berman
GrandMary and George
Dad and Charity
Grandma Helen
Tom Reed, plus guest (Jasmine)
Carrie (possibly Charles), and Ezra
Lauren (possibly Chris), and Connor
Naomi, Jon, and Zoe
Jenny McClellan
Liz and Joe
Tia McClellan
Amanda, Doug, and Reese (possibly Darell)
Heather and Michael
Aunt Janet, Bianca, and Emma
Heather and Lainey

Those are the firm RSVPs currently, so it's looking like about 20-30 people depending upon how many late RSVPs I get this week. I think we are going to prepare for 35 just in case.

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